AS/NZS 2982:2010 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-30 10:59

Abstract: AS/NZS 2982:2010 pdf download.Laboratory design and construction. 1.4.27 Laborator—cxtrcme hazard A laboratory that presents such potential hazards to humans or the environment that special facilities need to be provided to minimize the r...

AS/NZS 2982:2010 pdf download.Laboratory design and construction.

1.4.27 Laborator—cxtrcme hazard

A laboratory that presents such potential hazards to humans or the environment that special facilities need to be provided to

minimize the risks of those hazards, or special precautions need to be taken by workers in that laboratory. Extreme hazard

laboratories include laboratories with a large quantity of flammable material and laboratories that deal with explosives, high

toxicity material or highly infectious organisms.

1.4.28 Lubortory—microbiological

A laboratory in which microorganisms are dealt with. This includes laboratories used for genetic manipulation work, animal, plant

and invertebrate facilities, and laboratories where microbiological work such as research, teaching, diagnosis. quality control and regulatory analysis, (e.g. of foodstuffs, water, effluents. pharmaceuticals and cosmetics), is undertaken.


I The microorganisms involved or the regulator will determine the level of physical containment required (refer AS.NZS 2243.3).

2 Some microorganisms are pathogenic to human beings.

3 Any biological specimens should be treated as being potentially infectious unless known to be non-infectious.

1.4.29 Laboratory—radiation

A laboratory in which irradiating apparatus or sealed radioactive sources are used or stored. It does not contain any unsealed

radioactive material.


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