AS 4454:2003 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-30 10:44

Abstract: AS 4454:2003 pdf download.Composts, soil conditioners and mulches. (c) The classification to which the product belongs, complying with Clause 2.2.1 and defined in Clause 1.5. as well as its grade based on the maximum particle size in Table...

AS 4454:2003 pdf download.Composts, soil conditioners and mulches.

(c) The classification to which the product belongs, complying with Clause 2.2.1 and defined in Clause 1.5. as well as its grade

based on the maximum particle size in Table 3.1.

(d) A statement as to whether the product is suitable for phosphorus-sensitive plants (see also Clause 3.3(c)). For example:

‘This product is suitable for use with phosphorus-sensitive plants’; or

‘The phosphorus content of this produci is such that it is not suitable for application to phosphorus-sensitive plants’.


I See Table 3.1, for the cut-off point between the two categories.

2 Products that arc not specified as being suitable for phosphorus-sensitive plants do not need to carry information about total or extractable phosphorus content, unless this is required by state government regulations, however, producers of compost or soil

conditioners are encouraged to quote a range into which the total phosphorus content falls (e.g. 0.5—1%).

(e) A health warning label and hazardous information label for customers on the handling of products on the package for bagged

product or the information sheet/invoice in the case of bulk product which shall he permanently and legibly marked as follows:

(1) Appearance The warning specified in Item (e)(ii) shall be printed in a contrasting colour to other non-warning printing, have a border in bold and shall appear in accordance with Items (A). (11) or (C) as appropriate.


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