AS 4566:2005 pdf download

AS 4566:2005 pdf download.Flue cowls-Gas appliances. 2.1 GENERAL A flue cowl shall be made of non-combustible corrosion resistant material. Metals shall not he used in combinations such as to cause detrimental galvanic action. which will ad...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4485.2:2021 pdf download

AS 4485.2:2021 pdf download.Security for healthcare facilities Part 2: Procedures guide. (b) Private organizations and State and Federal government departments responsible for security design and construction can provide advice on equipment...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4485.1:2021 pdf download

AS 4485.1:2021 pdf download.Security for healthcare facilities Part 1: General requirements. Section 2 Policies and procedures 2.1 General The aim of a healthcare facility’s security function is to ensure that a vigorous security policy a...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4484:2016 pdf download

AS 4484:2016 pdf download.Gas cylinders for industrial, scientific,medical and refrigerant use—Labelling and colour coding. Each label and their means of attachment shall be of material that ensures the label will remain in place and be l...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4436:1996 pdf download

AS 4436:1996 pdf download.Guide for the selection of insulators in respect of polluted conditions. The evaluation of the pollution severity can he made with an increasing degree of confidence: — qualitatively from indications given in Tab...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4422:2016 pdf download

AS 4422:2016 pdf download.Playground surfacing-Specifications,requirements and test method. 1.4.9 Impact-attenuating surfacing (LAS) A surface, whereby the kinetic energy of an impact is dissipated by localized elastic hysteresis. deformati...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4419:2003 pdf download

AS 4419:2003 pdf download.Soils for landscaping and garden use. 4.7 Top dressing A soil which is suitable for surface application to lawn. 4.8 Topsoil A natural soil which is the original surface layer of soil from grassland. hushland or cu...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4314:2005 pdf download

AS 4314:2005 pdf download.Founding-Patterns, pattern equipment and coreboxes for the production of sand moulds and sand cores. 3.9 Quality class Classitication system which enables the parties concerned with the manufacture and use of patte...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4299:1995 pdf download

AS 4299:1995 pdf download.Adaptable housing. (a) project home developers; (b) designers, builders, owners and users of private housing; (c) developers and designers of specialised housing such as retirement villages; and (d) public housing...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4276.23:2016 pdf download

AS 4276.23:2016 pdf download.Water microbiology Method 23: Soils, sediments, sludges, slurriesand bio-solids-—Procedures for sample preparation. 3.3 Cell calibrator equivalent (CCE) A quantity of nucleic acid equivalent to a cell. Obtaine...

AS 2022-10-02 1