AS 4784:2003 pdf download

AS 4784:2003 pdf download.Sample preparation for particle size analysis--Dispersing procedures for powders in liquids. determining If solution composition can be adjusted to vevent reagglomeration: selecting dispersing agents to prevent rea...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4758.2:2015 pdf download

AS 4758.2:2015 pdf download.Lifejackets Part 2: Materials and components—Requirements and test methods. 1.3 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Standard, the definitions given in AS 4758.1 and those below apply. 1.3.1 Coated fabric Flexi...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4699:2000 pdf download

AS 4699:2000 pdf download.Zinc and zinc alloys—Determination of impurities and alloying elements—Atomic emission spectrometric method. Standard deviation and tolerance shall he in the same units. NOTE: Tolerance relates to reporting lim...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4685.4:2021 pdf download

AS 4685.4:2021 pdf download.Playground equipment and surfacing Part 4: Additional safety requirements and test methods for cableways. 4 Safety requirements 4.1 General Cableways shall conform to EN 11761 unless otherwise specified in this p...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4659.3:2015 pdf download

AS 4659.3:2015 pdf download.Guide to determining the equivalence of food microbiology test methods Part 3: Confirmation tests. 4 PROCEDURE 4.1 Define (he equkalence determination The equivaknce determination should bc defined in terms of th...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4659.2:2015 pdf download

AS 4659.2:2015 pdf download.Guide to determining the equivalence of food microbiology test methods Part 2: Quantitative tests. 4 PROCEDURE 4.1 Define the equivalence determination The equivalence determination should be delined in terms of...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4659.1:2015 pdf download

AS 4659.1:2015 pdf download.Guide to determining the equivalence of food microbiology test methods Part 1: Qualitative tests. 3.4 Fahe ncgathe When the alternate method yields a negative result but the reference method yields a positive res...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4575:2005 pdf download

AS 4575:2005 pdf download.Gas appliances—Quality of servicing. 2.1.1 Allocation of serv ice work — registrationflicensing Servicing work shall be allocated only to an accredited competent person/s as defined by the StatelTcrritory in wh...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4568:2005 pdf download

AS 4568:2005 pdf download.Preparation of a safety and operating plan for gas networks. 3.1 GFFRAI. The Plan should dcscribc how the operator would provide safe network management. The operator should reach agreement with the regulatory auth...

AS 2022-10-02 1

AS 4567:2005 pdf download

AS 4567:2005 pdf download.Twin wall metal flues-Gas appliances. 2.1.4 Durabilit and rrsislancc A flue gas conseying conduit shall be of material haing durability and resistance to corrosion and heat equisalent to that of Type 1100 aluminium...

AS 2022-10-02 1