AS 4659.1:2015 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-02 11:52

Abstract: AS 4659.1:2015 pdf download.Guide to determining the equivalence of food microbiology test methods Part 1: Qualitative tests. 3.4 Fahe ncgathe When the alternate method yields a negative result but the reference method yields a positive res...

AS 4659.1:2015 pdf download.Guide to determining the equivalence of food microbiology test methods Part 1: Qualitative tests.

3.4 Fahe ncgathe

When the alternate method yields a negative result but the reference method yields a positive result.

3.5 False positive

When the alternate method yields a positive result but the reference method yields a negative result.

NOTE: A falsc positisc may bc a true positise which was not detcctcd by the reference method, Such occurrences iseed to be

carefully verified however. tr the purpose of this Standard they will be considered falac positives because the Standard is aimed

at demonstrating the equivalence of ihc two methods and is also applicable to the analysis of non-identical test samples. i.e.

where the primary enrichment is different,

3.6 Fractional recovery

Validation criteria that are satisfied when replicate samples of either the alternative or reference method yield 50%

(range 25%—75%) positive responses.

3.7 NIatris

The hood sample in which the target organism is to be dctccted

3.8 Presumptive

The result given by the method at a point where a decision may be made as to whether or not the mains may contain the target

organism. The method continues to conhirm whether the presumptive result is in fact a positive result.

3.9 Reference culture

The culture designated in the appropriate Australian Standard method.


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