AS 4568:2005 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-02 11:48

Abstract: AS 4568:2005 pdf download.Preparation of a safety and operating plan for gas networks. 3.1 GFFRAI. The Plan should dcscribc how the operator would provide safe network management. The operator should reach agreement with the regulatory auth...

AS 4568:2005 pdf download.Preparation of a safety and operating plan for gas networks.


The Plan should dcscribc how the operator would provide safe network management. The operator should reach agreement with the regulatory authority on how much detail is to be provided in the Plan and how much the Plan can refer to safety processes and systems

for that detail. It is intended that appropriate indicators for safety will enable the Plan to contain Icss detail.

The safe management of an operating gas distribution nciwork is primarily the management of a safe and reliable gas supply and

associated facilities for the duration of the operational life cycle of those assets and their disposal. This Section gives

guidance on the essential elements of a Plan.

3.2.1 Gcnrral

The Plan should describe the design principles applied to ensure that all identifled ha,ards and risks are eliminated or reduced to as low a lesel as is reasonably practical during the life cycle of the network. ‘[he design requirements should include both the

physical assets and the operating systems of the network.


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