AS 4299:1995 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-02 10:08

Abstract: AS 4299:1995 pdf download.Adaptable housing. (a) project home developers; (b) designers, builders, owners and users of private housing; (c) developers and designers of specialised housing such as retirement villages; and (d) public housing...

AS 4299:1995 pdf download.Adaptable housing.

(a) project home developers;

(b) designers, builders, owners and users of private housing;

(c) developers and designers of specialised housing such as retirement villages; and

(d) public housing bodies.

Appendix A sets out essential and desirable features.

1.2 APPLICATION This Standard applies to planning and design of residential accommodation and is intended for reference by

designers and specifiers in the preparation of their documentation and by members of the general public considering adaptable

housing for their particular needs. This Standard may be referenced by contractual agreement as a means of assessing the level of adaptability of residential accommodation.

It is intended that housing units that comply with the range of essential features listed in Appendix A he certified as adaptable

housing units by an independeni suitably qualified person as follows:

(a) Adaptable house class A All essential and desirable features incorporated.

(b) Adaptable house class 11 All essential, and minimum 50% of desirable features incorporated, including all those notated


(C) Adaptable house class C All essential features.

NOTE: A feature is assessed in Appendix A as ‘essential’, •first priority desirable’ or ‘desirable’ depending on its

importance to an occupant with a disability, and on the difference between initial and future costs of adaptation.

1.3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this Standard.


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