AS 4566:2005 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-02 11:45

Abstract: AS 4566:2005 pdf download.Flue cowls-Gas appliances. 2.1 GENERAL A flue cowl shall be made of non-combustible corrosion resistant material. Metals shall not he used in combinations such as to cause detrimental galvanic action. which will ad...

AS 4566:2005 pdf download.Flue cowls-Gas appliances.


A flue cowl shall be made of non-combustible corrosion resistant material. Metals shall not he used in combinations such as to

cause detrimental galvanic action. which will adcrscIy affect any part of the assembly


2.2.1 Attachment without alteration

Flue cowls shall be designed for ready attachnient to the flue terminal without requiring alteration, cutting, threading, drilling, and welding or similar tasks by the installer.

2.2.2 Free from obstruction

Flue cowls shall be designed such that, when installed, it is not possible for any part of the flue or cowl to be obstructed in a

manner that could adversely affect the intended operation of the flue.

2.2.3 Rain and del,ris rntr

Flue cowls shall he designed—

(a) to prevent the entrance of debris and escess rain into the flue: and

(b) so that leaves and debris falling or blown onto it arc not likely to he retained and hence obstruct flue gas passages.

22.4 Opening size

In order to ensure against the entry of birds no opening shall permit the entry of a ball of 16 mm diameter.

2.2.5 Fit to standard flue pipes

Flue cowls shall be sized to fit readily 0,110 standard size hue pipes. In particular. for single wall metal titie pipe. the

diameter of the flue cowl socket shall conform to Table 2,1.


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