AS ISO 6469.3:2014 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-02 17:52

Abstract: AS ISO 6469.3:2014 pdf download.Electrically propelled road vehicles—Safety specifications Part 3: Protection of persons against electric shock. 3.14 electrically propelled vehicle vehicle with one or more electric drive(s) (3.15) for veh...

AS ISO 6469.3:2014 pdf download.Electrically propelled road vehicles—Safety specifications Part 3: Protection of persons against

electric shock.


electrically propelled vehicle

vehicle with one or more electric drive(s) (3.15) for vehicle propulsion


electric drive

combination of traction motor, power electronics and their associated controls for the conversion of electric to mechanical power

and vice versa



part providing protection of equipment against direct contact (3.10) from any direction


exposed conductive part

conductive part (3.8) of the electric equipment that can be touched by a test finger according to IPXXB (see Iso 20653) after

removing barriers/enclosures that can be removed without using tools and that is not normally live, but which can become live under fault conditions


fuel cell stack

assembly of two or more fuel cells that are electrically connected


fuel cell system

system, typically containing the following subsystems: fuel cell stack (3.18), air processing, fuel processing, thermal management, water management, and their control


isolation resistance

resistance between live parts of voltage class B (3.31) electric circuit and the electric chassis (3.12) as well as the voltage

class A (3.30) system


isolation resistance monitoring system

system that periodically or continuously monitors the isolation resistance (3.20) between live parts (3.22)

and the electric chassis (3.12).


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