AS 3978:2003 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-01 18:43

Abstract: AS 3978:2003 pdf download.Non-destructive testing-Visual inspection of metal products and components. An inspector shall have qualilications and experience for their job function acceptable to the testing hody. the manufacturers, and where...

AS 3978:2003 pdf download.Non-destructive testing-Visual inspection of metal products and components.

An inspector shall have qualilications and experience for their job function acceptable to the testing hody. the manufacturers, and where required, the purchaser. In addition the inspector shall have personnel characteristics of integrity and thoroughness. The

inspector shall be conversant with drawings. codes, specifications as well as manufacturing, processing procedures and workmanship standards which apply to the inspection. Near vision acuity (Jaeger No.1) shall permit reading a minimum of Times Roman 4.5 points vertical height where I point = 0.3528 mm (1/72 inch) at not less than 30 cm with oiie or both eves, either corrected or


Personnel involved in inspections for which the ability to discriminate between colours appropriate to the task is required, shall pass a colour perception test.

NOTE: Appendix B gives notes on the factors affecting visual acuity and the measurement of Visual acuity.

An inspector ideally shall have practical experience in the environment in which he or she is operating. Inspectors shall have a

sound knowledge of relevant surface characteristics of metal discontinuities and defect types. Personal characteristics of

integrity and thoroughness arc required. An inspector shall be conversant with drawings. codes. specifications. procedures and

workmanship standards which apply to the inspection.


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