AS 1807.0:2000 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-30 18:51

Abstract: AS 1807.0:2000 pdf download.Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test Part 0: List of methods and apparatus. 4 ANEMOMETER An electronic, direct reading anemometer with rotating vane head of 100...

AS 1807.0:2000 pdf download.Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets and pharmaceutical isolators—Methods of test Part 0: List of methods and apparatus.


An electronic, direct reading anemometer with rotating vane head of 100 mm nominal diameter, having an accuracy of ±5 percent in

the range from 0.35 mis to 1.0 mts shall be used.

Where the anemometer is to he used in a freestanding mode, a suitable stand shall he used to hold the anemometer in a fixed

position without interfering with airflow.


The following types of manometers shall be used:

(a) Inclined-tube, liquid-filled manometer with a range of 0 to 500 Pa. having minor scale divisions of not greater than 10 Pa and an accuracy of at least ±1% full scale deflection.

(b) Inclined-tube, liquid-filled manometer with a range of 0 to 60 Pa, having minor scale divisions of not greater than I Pa and an accuracy of at least ±1% full scale deflection.

(c) Any other manometer with range and accuracy as required in Items 5(a) or 5(b) as applicable.

(d) Manometers for particle counting test methods as specified in Clause 17.9.


A device. e.g. loaded filter(s) or plate(s), capable of simulating the specified increase in static filter resistance shall be


The following types of ammeters shall be used:

(a) Moving-iron ammeter with ranges such that the measured values shall be not less than one-fifth of full scale. It shall be aClass 0.5 instrument as defined in IEC 60051. Parts I and 2.


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