AS/NZS 4911:2003 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-30 11:03

Abstract: AS/NZS 4911:2003 pdf download.General conditions of contract for the supply of equipment without installation. 13.3 Insurance of employees Before commencing performance of the (‘oniruci. the Supplier shall insure against statutory and com...

AS/NZS 4911:2003 pdf download.General conditions of contract for the supply of equipment without installation.

13.3 Insurance of employees

Before commencing performance of the (‘oniruci. the Supplier shall insure against statutory and common law liability for death of or injury to persons employed by the Supplier. The insurance cover shall be maintained for the duration of the Contract.

Where permitted by law, the insurance policy or policies shall he extended to provide indemnity for the Purchaser statutory

liability to the Supplier :c employees.

The Supplier shall ensure tha all subcontractors have siniilarlv insured their employees.

13.4 Proof of Insurance

Whenever requested in writing b the Purchaser, the Supplier shall provide satisfactory evidence of such insurance etTected and


Insurance shall not limit liabilities or obligations under other provisions of the (‘ontract.

If after being so requested. the Supplier fails promptly to provide satisfactory evidence of compliance with subclause 13i, 112 or 13.3, then without prejudice to other rights or remedies, the Purchaser may insure and the cost thereof shall become moneys due

and payable from the Supplier to the Purchaser. The Purchaser ma, refuse payment until such evidence is produced by the Supplier.


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