ASME B30.1:2004 pdf download

ASME B30.1:2004 pdf download.Jacks. load rating, auxiliary: rated load of the jack, as determined by the manufacturer, when load is applied at the auxiliary load point. overload: any load greater than the rated load. overt ravel : movement...

ASME 2022-09-28 1

ASME B30.1:1998 pdf download

ASME B30.1:1998 pdf download.JACKS. Within the general scope dclincd in Section I of the Introduction. B30.l applies to general purpose. portable jacks of the following categories: hand- or power- operated hydraulic jacks, mechanical ratche...

ASME 2022-09-28 1

ASME B1.1:2019 pdf download

ASME B1.1:2019 pdf download.Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN,UNR, and UNJ Thread Forms). 2.4 Formulas and Nomenclature The formulas and nomenclature pertaining to the basic profile and the design profiles are given in section 10. 3 SCREW THRE...

ASME 2022-09-28 1

ASME B29.300:2015 pdf download

ASME B29.300:2015 pdf download.Agricultural, Detachable, and Pintle Chains, Attachments,and Sprockets. 5 SPROCKETS 5.1 General Information Sprockets for use with steel detachable chains are usually made of cast or wrought ferrous material....

ASME 2022-09-28 1

ASME B29.200:2001 pdf download

ASME B29.200:2001 pdf download.WELDED-STEEL-TYPE MILLCHAINS,WELDED-STEEL-TYPEDRAG CHAINS, ATTACHMENTS, AND SPROCKETTEETH. (b) Test procedure. A tensile force is slowly applied, in uniaxial direction, to the ends of the chain sample. (c) The...

ASME 2022-09-28 1

ASME B29.100:2002 pdf download

ASME B29.100:2002 pdf download.Precision Power Transmission,Double-Pitch Power Transmission, and Double-Pitch Conveyor Roller Chains,Attachments, and Sprockets. The following definitions are illustrated in Fig. 1. connecting link (cotter pi...

ASME 2022-09-28 1

ASME B29.28:2015 pdf download

ASME B29.28:2015 pdf download.High-Strength Chains for Power Transmission and Tension Linkages. 2.3 Numbering System For chains covered in this Standard, the right-hand digit in the number is a zero. The numbers to the lelt of the right-han...

ASME 2022-09-28 1

ASME B29.22:2001 pdf download

ASME B29.22:2001 pdf download.DROP FORGED RIVETLESSCHAINS, SPROCKET TEETHDRIVE CHAIN/DRIVE DOGS. modified X-ispe rhetless chain: chain with the same feature as X-type (see Fig. 4); additionally, modified X-typc has a controlled area, C, on...

ASME 2022-09-28 1

ASME B29.8:2010 pdf download

ASME B29.8:2010 pdf download.Leaf Chains,Clevises, and Sheaves. 1.4 General Chain Dimensions for Interchangeability The dimensions given in lables 1 and 2 provide guidance that will ensure interchangeability and compatibility with standard...

ASME 2022-09-28 1

ASME B20.1:2018 pdf download

ASME B20.1:2018 pdf download.Safety Standard for Conveyors and Related Equipment. chain: a series of links pivotally joined together to form a medium for conveying or transmitting motion or power. General classes of chain common to conveyor...

ASME 2022-09-28 1