Abstract: ASME A112.3.4:2013 pdf download.Plumbing fixtures with pumped wasteand macerating toilet systems. 4.1.3 Electrical requirements The electrical system in the maccrating unit shall comply with the applicable CSA Group or UI electrical standar...
ASME A112.3.4:2013 pdf download.Plumbing fixtures with pumped wasteand macerating toilet systems.
4.1.3 Electrical requirements
The electrical system in the maccrating unit shall comply with the applicable CSA Group or UI electrical
4.1.4 Water closets
Water closets that connect with the maccrating system shall comply with ASME Al 12.1 9.2/CSA B45.1, or CSA B45.5-/IAPMO Zl24. The performance of the water closet shall be tested accordingly prior to connection to the maccrating unit. The drain line carry test shall not be required. Water closets with an integral grinder/pump system shall
be tested as a system.
4.1.5 Lavatories and sinks
Lavatories or sinks that are a part of a pumped waste system or that connect to a macerating toilet system shall
comply with ASME Al 12.19.1 ICSA B45.2, ASME Al 12.1 9.2/CSA 845.1, ASME Al 12.1 9.3/CSA 845.4, or CSA B45.5-10/IAPMO Z124.lO. The lavatory or sink shall not be required to conform to the drainage opening area and drain diameter of these standards.
4.1.6 Bathtubs
Bathtubs that are a part of a pumped waste system or that connect to a macerating toilet system shall comply with ASME Al 12.19.1 /CSA B45.2, ASME Al 12.1 9.3/CSA 845.4, ASME Al 12.19.15, or CSA B45.5-lO/IAI’MO Z124.10. The
bathtub shall not be required to conform to the drainage opening area and drain diameter of these standards.
4.1.7 Showers
Showers that are a part of a pumped waste system or that connect to a macerating toilet system shall comply with
ASME Al 12.19.1 /CSA 845.2, ASME Al 12.1 9.2/CSA 845.1, ASME Al 12.1 9.3/CSA 845.4. or CSA B45.5-1OJIAPMO Z124.10. Showers may also be field fab&ated in accordance with the applicable plumbing code. The shower shall not be
required to conform to the drainage opening area and drain diameter of these standards.
4.1.8 Maccrating system housing
The housing tank assembly shall be watertight, Ieakproof, and protected from backflow of sewage. The housing tank shall be free from cracks, porosity, chips, flash, or other sgni1icant defects that affect the performance,
appearance, or serviceability of the system. The tank assembly shall be capable of withstanding a hydrostatic pressure as described in Clause 5.4. The Lank shall comply with the resistance to staining, the wear and cleanability, and the chemical resistance tests of CSA B45.S.l 0/IAPMO Zl 24.10 for plastic sumps.
4.1.9 Clamps
Clamps used to connect the fixture with the holding tank shall comply with the band requirements of either ASTM
Cl 173 or AN/CSA- 8602.
4.2 General requirements
4.2.1 Fastening
A means to fasten the water closet to the holding tank shall be provided.
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