ASME A112.3.1:2007 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-26 10:23

Abstract: ASME A112.3.1:2007 pdf download.Stainless Steel Drainage Systems forSanitary DWV, Storm,and Vacuum Applications, Above-and Below-Ground. 3.2.2 Type 3161. The l3rinelI Hardness for Type 3161 stainless steel shall be between 120 and 180. 3.3...

ASME A112.3.1:2007 pdf download.Stainless Steel Drainage Systems forSanitary DWV, Storm,and Vacuum Applications,

Above-and Below-Ground.

3.2.2 Type 3161. The l3rinelI Hardness for Type 3161 stainless steel shall be between 120 and 180.

3.3 Water Tightness of Welds and Pipe joints

3.3.1 All pipe fittings and joints shall be watertight from 0 kI’a to 50 kPa (0 psi to 7.25 psi). Testing shall

be performed in accordance with para. 3.4.1.

3.3.2 For use in areas subject to elevated pressure (e.g., lift stations and rainwater leaders subject to backups) the manufacturer shall establish maximum pies- sure rating according to the test described in para. 3.4.2.

34 Weld and joint Test

3.4.1 Test Method. A representative assembly of the fittings being listed that includes the pipe and joints shall be restrained per the manufacturer’s final installation guidelines at ambient temperature under hydrostatic

pressure 50 kPa (7.25 psi) for 20 mm. There shall be no leaks.

3.4.2 If the manufacturer’s pressure rating is higher than 50 kPa (7.25 psi) and after a successful test per

para. 3.4.1. the hydrostatic pressure shall be increased in increments of 50 kPa (7.25 psi) up to 300 kPa (43.51

psi) and obsenred for 5 mm at each increment. Any leaking shall be considered a failure. The last successful test increment shall be recorded as maximum pressure rating for intermittent, elevated pressures.

3.5 Internal Sealing Ring (0-Ring)

3.5.1 Test Methods and Performance Requirements.

Elastomeric scaling rings shall comply with the following:

(a) Elongation shall be a minimum of 50% when tested in accordance with ASTM D 412.

(b) Tear resistance shall be a minimum of 150 lb/in. when tested in accordance with ASTM D 624 using Die c.

(c) Resistance to heat aging shall be determined as follows when conditoned in accordance with ASTMD573 at 7O°C ± 2 °C for 96 H ± 0.5 H:

(1) maximum increase in hardness of 10 points when tested in accordance with ASTM D 2240 (Shore A durometer)

(2) maximum loss in tensile strength of 15% when tested in accordance with ASTM D 412.


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