ASME 14414:2015 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-26 09:43

Abstract: ASME 14414:2015 pdf download.Pump system energy assessment. 4.7.2 Assessment scheduling The dates of the assessment, and dates and times of key meetings shall be designated in advance of beginning the assessment. The assessment meetings sha...

ASME 14414:2015 pdf download.Pump system energy assessment.

4.7.2 Assessment scheduling

The dates of the assessment, and dates and times of key meetings shall be designated in advance of beginning the


The assessment meetings shall indude:

— kick off meeting. It shall occur just prior to the commencement of the assessment. The purpose of this meeting is to review information to be collected in the Initial data collection and evaluation (see 4B) and establish the work schedule. At this meeting, the assessment team should discuss the safety protocols, tools, methods,

measurement, metering and diagnostic equipment required;

— daily schedule(s) for the on-site assessment;

— periodic reporting to facility managers in the form of debrielings should occur as agreed-upon by the

assessment team;

— wrap-up meeting at the conclusion of the onsite activities. It is designed to outline the assessment

investigations and initial recommendations (see 5,).

The assessment team shall determine corrective courses of action for irregularities that may or do occur during an assessment (e.g. the failure of a computerized records system).

4.8 Initial Data Collection and Evaluation

4.8.1 General

Before the start of the assessment, the initial data collection shall be made. To expedite the process,

precollectiun data are optional.

NOTE This Information is used In all assessment phases.

4.8.2 Initial facility specialist Interviews

The assessment team shall collect information on operating practices and any specific operating considerations

that affect energy use for the equipment through contact with personnel and specialists.

The assessment team shall also have access to facilities personnel who understand connected systems that will be

influenced by changes made to the pumping system.

4.8.3 Energy profrct history

The assessment team shall collect and review information on energy saving projects, assessments, audits,

baselines, or benchmarklng already conducted for the pumping systems being assessed.

4.8.4 Energy cost

The assessment team shall collect cost data including electricity cost per kwh, or other similar terms,

considering all charges such as demand charges, peak rates, time-of-the-day rate and any other costs up to the

point of use-Where necessary, appropriate costs should be assigned to onsite generated electricity. These costs

should be used In subsequent analyses. If electricity is generated on site the avoided cost or potential sales

cost of the  energy should be used.

The assessment team shall agree on the period during which the costs are considered valid.

The assessment team should also consider issues such as demand charges and trends to identify situations not made obvious by the use of average values.


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