ASME A112.4.2:2015 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-26 10:33

Abstract: ASME A112.4.2:2015 pdf download.Personal hygiene devices for waterclosets. 5.2.2 Static pressure test5.2.2.1Test procedure The static pressure test shall be conducted as follows:(a)Set the specimen in the off position (fully closed). (bIncr...

ASME A112.4.2:2015 pdf download.Personal hygiene devices for waterclosets.

5.2.2 Static pressure test5.2.2.1Test procedure

The static pressure test shall be conducted as follows:(a)Set the specimen in the off position (fully closed).

(bIncrease the static water pressure to 1720 kPa (250 psi).Maintain the pressure for 5 min. Performance requirementsThere shall be no leakage or structural damage.5.3 Temperature tests

5.3.1 Normal operating temperature test5.3.1.1 Test procedure

The normal operating temperature test shall be conducted as follows:(a)Set the inlet flowing pressure at 345 土 35 kPa(50 + 5 psi).

(bSet the inlet temperature at 18+3 C(65±5F).

(cjOperate the specimen at its maximum temperature setting for 5 min.(dyMeasure the temperature at the outlet. Performance requirement

The water temperature at the outlet shall not exceed 43 C(110°F).

5.3.2 Maximum shutoff temperature for safety devices5.3.2.1 Test procedure

The maximum shutoff temperature test shall be conducted as follows:

(a)Supply water to the specimen at an initial temperature of 41 +0/-6 °℃(105 +0/-10°F).(b) set the inlet

flowing pressure at 345± 35 kPa(50 ± 5 psi) pressure.

(cActivate the specimen and slowly raise the temperature to 48 °C (118°F).(d)lncrease the water temperature no

faster than 0.5 °C(1°F) every 5 s.

(e) Record the time to shut off the flow of water when the temperature reaches 48 °C(118°F).(Repeat this test

following the bidet sprayer cycle test. Performance requirements

The water flow through the specimen shall shut off within 5 s of the bidet spray discharge water

temperature reaching 48 °℃ (118°F).Water may continue to flow from the bidet sprayer discharge as longas the

temperature remains below 48 'C (118°F) and the sprayer is in the process of returning to its offposition/state. The specimen shall be considered to have complied with the requirements of this Clause ifwater ceases to flow

prior to reaching a temperature of 48 c(118F).

5.4 Bidet sprayer life cycle test

5.4.1 Test procedure

The life cycle test shall be conducted as follows:

(a)Set the inlet flowing pressure at 345土 35 kPa (50 ± 5 psi).(bset the device to its maximum water temperature setting.


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