AS/NZS 4020:2005 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-04 18:16

Abstract: AS/NZS 4020:2005 pdf download.Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water. 5.1 General Scaling factors are normally specified in the relevant product Standard. The discussion below applies to situations in which this is not t...

AS/NZS 4020:2005 pdf download.Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water.

5.1 General

Scaling factors are normally specified in the relevant product Standard. The discussion below applies to situations in which this

is not the case.

Flexible hoses arc tested as end-of-line fittings unless othcrise specified in the relcant product Standard.

A scaling factor is generally not applicable to in-the-product testing (e.g. the testing of pipe). In this method of exposure. the ratio of the exposed surface area to the extractant water volume will in most cases be equal to the surface area-to-volume ratio

in end use (i.e. a scaling factor of I ).

An exception applies in certain cases of in-the-product testing. where in end use the internal surface of the product is

effectively in contact with a substantially larger volume of water than in the test. Examples of such products are valves and

fittings connected into water supply pipelines. A further exception applies iii the testing of end-of-line-fittings such as taps

and their components. where in the end-use situation the extract contained in the fitting is effectively diluted before

consumption. Similarly. the use of a composite extract in the metals extraction test for end-of-line fittings has the effect of

providing an inbuilt scaling factor.


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