AS/NZS 4158:2003 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-04 17:22

Abstract: AS/NZS 4158:2003 pdf download.Thermal-bonded polymeric coatings on valves and fittings for water industry purposes. 2.2 COATING SYSTEM SIEC1F1CAT1ON The coating system shall be specified in accordance with Appendix D. 2.3 TYPE TESTS 2.3.1 G...

AS/NZS 4158:2003 pdf download.Thermal-bonded polymeric coatings on valves and fittings for water industry purposes.


The coating system shall be specified in accordance with Appendix D.


2.3.1 General

Coated test pieces, applied in accordance with the system specification (see Appendix D) shall meet the type test requirements

specified in Clauses 2.3.1 to 2.3.10 (summarized in Table 2.1). These tests shall be undertaken on the coating system. in order to demonstrate the suitability of the coating for service. hot water immersion and repair coating material testing shall be undertaken to qualify each nominated substrate material. The remaining tests shall be undertaken using either steel. cast iron or copper

alloy as the substrate.

Type testing shall be performed on samples with an average coating thickness within 100 .tm of the specified minimum coating


The tests shall be undertaken on flat plate of nominal size 200 x 150 x 6 to 10mm. unless otherwise specified herein.

2.3.2 Hot water immersion

Expose the test piece in accordance with AS 3862 at 50 ±2°C for 14 days. Fest in accordance with AS 1580.408,2. The adhesion

rating shall be less than or equal to one.


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