AS/NZS 1892.5:2000 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-04 11:23

Abstract: AS/NZS 1892.5:2000 pdf download.Portable ladders Part 5: Selection, safe use and care. When a ladder is being raised, lowered or carried, care should he taken to avoid injuring any person who may he standing nearby. including the operator....

AS/NZS 1892.5:2000 pdf download.Portable ladders Part 5: Selection, safe use and care.

When a ladder is being raised, lowered or carried, care should he taken to avoid injuring any person who may he standing nearby.

including the operator. or humping any object in the vicinity. The ladder should remain under the control of the person or persons handling the ladder.

2.2.2 Care during transport

If a ladder is being transported by a vehicle, including push carts or trolleys, the ladder should be supported to avoid sagging.

Overhang of the ladders beyond supporting points should be limited. Ladder supports should he of suiable material (e.g. wood or

rubber- covered metal) and the ladder should be securely fastened to the supports 10 minimize chafing and the effects of road


When a ladder is being transported on edge. that is with treads or rungs vertical, the ladder should he supported under the lower

stile to prevent springing of the rungs.


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