AS/NZS 2878:2000 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-04 11:19

Abstract: AS/NZS 2878:2000 pdf download.Timber-Classification into strength groups. A seasoned and an unseasoned strength group shall be established as being appropriate for use in the structural design of timber of a species in accordance with Claus...

AS/NZS 2878:2000 pdf download.Timber-Classification into strength groups.

A seasoned and an unseasoned strength group shall be established as being appropriate for use in the structural design of timber of a species in accordance with Clauses 2.2 and 2,3. Where a strength group is established in accordance with Clause 2.3. ii shall be placed in brackets to indicate its provisional nature.

A species shall be given either a positive or a provisional strength grouping depending on the amount and reliability of the

information available for the species. Provisional strength groupings arc conservative, and desirably so. because of the predictive relationships in making the assessment. When adequate information is available on the strength of the species in one moisture

state. i.e. unseasoned cc seasoned, but nut in the uther. a positive strength group shall be assigned for the one that is well

documented and a provisional strength group for the other.

2.2.1 Sanipling

Test specimens shall be taken from a minimum of live properly selected trees of the species being evaluated in accordance with

Appendix A.


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