AS/NZS 1270:2002 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-04 11:02

Abstract: AS/NZS 1270:2002 pdf download.Acoustics—Hearing protectors. 2.3 WEARER INFORMATION 2.3.1 Information in or on lhr packaging The following information for the wearer shall he provided in or on the package in which the protector is supplied...

AS/NZS 1270:2002 pdf download.Acoustics—Hearing protectors.


2.3.1 Information in or on lhr packaging

The following information for the wearer shall he provided in or on the package in which the protector is supplied:

(a) Where a range of sites is offered, the method of selecting the correct size of protector. For small and large size range of

hearing protectors. a note shall be included.

NOTE: The wearer information should include a warning that the small and large size ranges arc designed to fit wearers for whom the medium size range is not suitabic.

(b) The method of adjusting and fitting the protector.

(c) Instructions for cleaning and disinfecting the protector, if appropriate. td) Maintenance requirements, if appropriate.

(e) A list of spare parts available for replacing worn or damaged components. (0 For earmuffs, the mass of the protector.

(g) For earmuffs and ear canal caps. the clamping force as measured in accordance with Clause 3.2.9.

(h) A note warning that the reporled attenuation will be obtained only if the protector is in good condition and worn as directed.

NOTE: Reference to AS/NZS 1269.3 should be made for guidance.


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