AS/NZS 1249:2003 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-04 10:55

Abstract: AS/NZS 1249:2003 pdf download.Children's nightwear and limited daywear having reduced fire hazard. Included are (a) knitted all-in-ones in Sizes 00 to 2 where the close-fitting portion of the garment occupies 80% or more of the total surfac...

AS/NZS 1249:2003 pdf download.Children's nightwear and limited daywear having reduced fire hazard.

Included are

(a) knitted all-in-ones in Sizes 00 to 2 where the close-fitting portion of the garment occupies 80% or more of the total surface

area of the garment:

NOtE: There arc a number of daywcar all-in-one garments that arc designed with other garments attached, for esample a dress

attached to a romper. It is not the Committee intention that these garments be subjected to the Standard.

(b) recognized. exclusively sty led nightwear garments:

(c) woven all-in-ones in Sizes 00 to 2 and all-in-ones above Size 2 if they arc of a style which identifies them as nighissear:

(d) boxer shorts of a loose style coniiionly used as nightwear: and

(e) infimi sleep bags with sleeves or arm openings.

Excluded are—

(i) predominantly knitted all-in-ones in Sites 00 102 made from fabric with a mass equal to or greater than 210 g/ and clearly


(ii) predominantly knitted all-in-ones with a fabric of mass less than 20 g/m in sizes 00 to 2: and where the surface area of the

close fitting portion of the garment is less than 10% of the total surface area of the garment and which are clearly not nightwear;

(iii) woven all-in-ones in Sizes 00 to 2 and all-in-ones above Size 2 which arc not of a style which identilies them as nightwear.


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