AS 5667.5:2022 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-02 17:09

Abstract: AS 5667.5:2022 pdf download.Water quality -Sampling Part 5: Guidance on sampling of drinking water from treatment works and piped distribution systems (ISo 5667-5:2006, MOD). Iso 5667 is a group of standards dealing with the general aspects...

AS 5667.5:2022 pdf download.Water quality -Sampling Part 5: Guidance on sampling of drinking water from treatment works and piped

distribution systems (ISo 5667-5:2006, MOD).

Iso 5667 is a group of standards dealing with the general aspects of sampling (Parts I to 3) and with the sampling of specific

types of water (from Part 4 onwards). ISO 5667-5 covers the sampling of drinking water within a piped distribution system and

should be read in conjunction with ISO 5667-1 and ISO 5667-3.

Effective monitoring of drinking water requires collaboration between sampling programme designers, water treatment plant and

distribution system operators, sample collectors, laboratory analysts and data users. ISO 5667-5 gives guidance on the selection of sampling locations and the collection of samples when monitoring drinking water from treatment plants and from piped distribution


Understanding of the purposes for monitoring drinking water and of the principles behind the methods of analysis is important,

since specific sampling protocols can vary widely in accordance with different purposes and different analytical methods.

Examples of sampling purposes include:

a) checking of drinking water to ensure compliance with national and/or international regulations (e.g. WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality (1) and the EU Drinking Water Directive (21);

b) determination of the efficiency of a drinking water treatment plant or components thereof (for example, disinfection);

c) quality monitoring of the water leaving the treatment plant;

d) quality monitoring of the water within the distribution system (including distribution within large buildings).


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