AS 5236.1:2021 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-02 16:58

Abstract: AS 5236.1:2021 pdf download.Cranes - Limiting and indicating devices Part 1 : General (Iso 10245-1:2008,MOD). 3.6 hoisting limiter device used to prevent either the fixed load-lifting attachment from being raised such that it inadvertently...

AS 5236.1:2021 pdf download.Cranes - Limiting and indicating devices Part 1 : General (Iso 10245-1:2008,MOD).


hoisting limiter

device used to prevent either the fixed load-lifting attachment from being raised such that it inadvertently strikes the crane structure or any other specified upper limitation of the load-lifting attachment from being exceeded


lndlcatoidevice that provides warnings and/or data to facilitate the competent control of the crane within its design parameters


lowering limiter

devAce ued to ensure that the miniiiiuin engagement of the lifting medium. e.g. the minimum number of turns of rope on the hoist drum, is maintained at all times during operation


lowering limiter

mechanical device designed to prevent the chain from running out of engagement with the driving mechanism


motion limiter

device which restricts a crane motion or initiates the stopping of the motion

Note Ito entry: See the examples given in


performance limiter

device that automatically prevents a design performance characteristic from being exceeded

Note ito entry: See the examples given In


rated capacity

load that the crane is designed to lift for a given operating condition (e.g. the configuration or position of the load)


rated capacity indicator

device which, within specified tolerance limits, gives a continuous indication that the rated capacity is exceeded.


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