AS 4882:2003 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-02 12:11

Abstract: AS 4882:2003 pdf download.Shielding gases for welding. 4 DESIfNATION Individual gas components shall he identified as follows: A—Argon C—Carbon dioxide He—Hell urn H —Hydrogen N—Nitrogen 0—Oxygen The designation system shall he...

AS 4882:2003 pdf download.Shielding gases for welding.


Individual gas components shall he identified as follows:


C—Carbon dioxide

He—Hell urn

H —Hydrogen



The designation system shall he based on volumetric percentages.

The shielding gas designation system shall be composed of the following designator and number arrangement:

(a) SG-—-Shielding gas designator The letters SG at the beginning of each designation identifies the product as a shielding gas.

These letters are followed by a hyphen.

(b) SG-B-—Base gas designator Shielding gases are designated according to chemical composition. The letter immediately to the

right of SG indicates the singular or major gas in the shielding gas or mixture (see Figure I).

(c) SG-B XYZ Minor gas component designators The letter(s) immediately following the base gas indicates the minor individual gas indicators in decreasing order of percent. These letters are followed by a hyphen.


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