AS 2377:2002 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-01 16:58

Abstract: AS 2377:2002 pdf download.Acoustics-Methods for the measurement of railbound vehicle noise. The octave band equivalent sound pressure levels recorded with unweighted averaging for a specified period of time. 4. Maximum A-weighted sound pres...

AS 2377:2002 pdf download.Acoustics-Methods for the measurement of railbound vehicle noise.

The octave band equivalent sound pressure levels recorded with unweighted averaging for a specified period of time.

4. Maximum A-weighted sound pressure level (L.)

The maximum sound pressure level in dB(A) associated with the railbound vehicle, with time weighted response set to the ‘F


4.9 Maximum C-weighted sound pressure leel (Lia.i)

The maximum sound pressure level in dB(C) associated with the railbound vehicle, with time weighted response to the F charactistic.

4.10 Monitoring tests

Tests performed to check thai the airborne sound emitted by the vehicles is within specified limits or that no noticeable changes

have occurred since initial delivery or after modification, as applicable, or between individual units in a consignment of


4.11 Specific sound

A component of the ambient sound which can he specially identified by aural means and subsequently identified by acoustical means

and which may be associated with a specific source.


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