AS 2239:2003 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-01 15:43

Abstract: AS 2239:2003 pdf download.Galvanic (sacrificial) anodes for cathodic protection. 1.3.6 Cathodic protection The prevention or rcduction of corrosion of mctal by making •hc mctal the cathodc in a galvanic or ekctrolytic cell 1.3.7 Closed ci...

AS 2239:2003 pdf download.Galvanic (sacrificial) anodes for cathodic protection.

1.3.6 Cathodic protection

The prevention or rcduction of corrosion of mctal by making •hc mctal the cathodc in a galvanic or ekctrolytic cell

1.3.7 Closed circuit potential

Thc potential of an inocIc connected to a structure when passing current: norm3lly mcasurcd against a reference electrode in a particular environment.

1.3.8 Coppcrlcupper sulfate (CaJCuSO4) reference electrode

A reference electrode consisting of copper in a saturated solLition of copper sulfate.

1.3.9 Current capacity

The total current flow available from an anode of given mass of alloy; normally expressed as ampere years per kilogram. This is the inverse of the anode consumption rate.

1.3.10 Current densit (at anode)

Current output of anode divided by the anode surface area.

1.3.11 Current density (at cathode)

Current flowing into cathode divided by the cathode surface area.

1.3.12 Current density (at coated cathode)

Total current flow into cathode divided by the total surface area of the structure.

1.3.13 Driving potential

The difference between the open circuit potentials of the anode and the structure.

1.3.14 Ilectrohte

A liquid, or the liquid component in a composite material such as soil, in which electric current may flow by ionic charge



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