AS 2118.3:2010 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-01 15:36

Abstract: AS 2118.3:2010 pdf download.Automatic fire sprinkler systems Part 3: Deluge systems. 1.43 Foamwater sprinkler Discharge desice that is specially designed. open-type air-aspirating sprinklers, consisting of an open barrel-body foam maker tha...

AS 2118.3:2010 pdf download.Automatic fire sprinkler systems Part 3: Deluge systems.

1.43 Foamwater sprinkler

Discharge desice that is specially designed. open-type air-aspirating sprinklers, consisting of an open barrel-body foam maker

that terminates in a deflector to shape the pattern o the foam or walcr issuing from the asscmbly. Ehis dcsicc produces discharge

patterns resembling those ofspra pattern sprinklers when discharging at thc same rates of flow.

1.4.6 %Iultiple jet control IJC)

A thermally operated sake using a heat-sensiiie element similar to those used in sprinklers, which holds the sake in the normally

closed pesilion. Destruction of the element by heat allows the valse to open, passing waler or flam solution to the attached open


1.4.7 Relesant authority

An indepemident agenc authorized by legislation or regulation to issue determinations. orders, or other instructions in respect of any subject cosered by this Standard.

NOTE. Where adoption of this Standard is tiom a requirement of a relesant authority but is a requirement of a body such as an

insurance company or association, then that body, or its nominees. may perform the functions of ihc rclevant authority tar the

purposes of this Standard.


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