AS 2062:1997 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-01 15:32

Abstract: AS 2062:1997 pdf download.Non-destructive testing-Penetrant testing of products and components. 1.6 WRITTE% PMOCLl)LRE REQLIREMFNTS All liquid penetrani testing shall be performed to a written procedure that implements the requirements of t...

AS 2062:1997 pdf download.Non-destructive testing-Penetrant testing of products and components.

1.6 WRITTE% PMOCLl)LRE REQLIREMFNTS All liquid penetrani testing shall be performed to a written procedure that implements the

requirements of this Standard for the components under test A master written procedure may he utiloed to cover the requirements

common to a variety of similar components. As a minimum, the following information is required in individual proccdurcs, a master

proccdurc, or a combination thereof:

(a) Identification of the components, or types of components to be tested.

(b) Dctails of the preelcaning process and the etching process (if required), including the materials, the drying parameters and

the processing times. If these processes arc performed by personnel other than those carrying out the inspeclion. the details may

be specified in other documents, provided the documents are referenced in the procedure.

(c) Classification of the peneirant materials to be used (see Clause 1.5),

(d) Complete processing requirements including requirements for concentrations of solutions. methods of application and dwell,

dwell Times, drying times. temperatures and pressures.


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