AS 2022:1983 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-10-01 15:28

Abstract: AS 2022:1983 pdf download.SAA ANHYDROUS AMMONIA CODE. 1.6.25 Temporary installation - a storage tank whose capacity does no exceed IOOni and which is installed for a pcriod which does not exceed 12 months. 1.6.26 Trailer - a wheeled vehicle...

AS 2022:1983 pdf download.SAA ANHYDROUS AMMONIA CODE.

1.6.25 Temporary installation - a storage tank whose capacity does no exceed IOOni and which is installed for a pcriod which does

not exceed 12 months.

1.6.26 Trailer - a wheeled vehicle connected to a towing unit by a drawbar or articulated joint and on which a tank is permanently niountcd

1.6.27 Transport controller the person responsible for transfer operations between vchiclcs transporting anhydrous ammonia and

storage systems.

1.6.28 Maximum filling level - the highest liquid surface level pennitted in a tank, account being taken of its actual temperature at the time of loading. (See Appendix D).

1.6.29 Standard filling level - the highest liquid surface level permitted in a tank for liquid at a temperature of 5°C. It

represents a sale hut conservative filling level for liquid whose temperature is 5°C or more. It provides the location for the

fixed liquid level gauge and a calibration check point for any variable liquid level gauge that may be provided (see Appendix D).

1.6.30 Volume filling percentage - the maximum volume of liquid permitted in the container, expressed as a percentage of the volume of water which would completely fill the tank it is a variable, being dependent on the temperature of the liquid, and is the basis for determining the maximum or the standard filling level.


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