AS 1851.9:1997 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-30 18:58

Abstract: AS 1851.9:1997 pdf download.Maintenance of fire protection equipment Part 9: Delivery lay flat fire hose. The maintenance record shall be available for (he property at all times. Where a logbook is used. iL shall be substantially bound, not...

AS 1851.9:1997 pdf download.Maintenance of fire protection equipment Part 9: Delivery lay flat fire hose.

The maintenance record shall be available for (he property at all times. Where a logbook is used. iL shall be substantially bound, not in loose-leaf formats and shall have numbered pages in triplicate. The logbook shall include the signature of the owner, or

agent service person and have a required distribution of copies printed on each page. i.e.

(A) original — ow ncr/occupier/agent:

(B) duplicate—service person: and

(C) triplicate—retain in hook.

The use of maintenance record tags does not preclude the need for a separate maintenance record system.

Where a maintenance record system that does not require maintenance record tags in accordance with Clause 2.3.2 is employed, it

shall be capable of providing all the information normally available on such a tag.


2.3.1 General Each hose shall be hued with a maintenance record tag complying with the requirements of Clause 2.3.2. Alternatively, where approved by the regulatory authority, other means of permanern hose identification may be used.

2.3.2 Maintenance record tag The year and month of maintenance work on delivery lay flat fire hose shall he recorded on a tag as

shown in Figure 2.l. The letters, figures. and lines on the tag shall be printed in black over a continuous background of

approximately golden yellow Y 14 as specified in AS 2700. and the tag shall not carry any information other than that shown in

Figure 2.1 and the recorded details specified in this Clause (2.3.2).


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