AS 1683.14.1:2001 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-30 18:37

Abstract: AS 1683.14.1:2001 pdf download.Methods of test for elastomers Method 14.1: Adhesive strength of vulcanized orthermoplastic rubber-One-plate method. 5.2 Preparation 5.2.1 Two types of mould may be used for the preparation of test pieces: mou...

AS 1683.14.1:2001 pdf download.Methods of test for elastomers Method 14.1: Adhesive strength of vulcanized orthermoplastic

rubber-One-plate method.

5.2 Preparation

5.2.1 Two types of mould may be used for the preparation of test pieces: moulds for several test pieces or moulds for single test

pieces. When test pieces are to be made using one type of rubber and one type of adhesive system, a mould for several test pieces

may be used. The inside mould dimension parallel to the longitudinal axis of the strip of substrate shall be 125 mm. The dimension corresponding to the transverse axis of the strip of substrate may be altered, depending on the number of test pieces to be

prepared at a time. The dimension perpendicular to the longitudinal and transverse axes of the substrate may be altered, for

instance using metal plates of various thicknesses, depending on the thickness of the substrate, in order to leave a depth of 6 mm ± 0,05 mm free for the rubber. When only one test piece is to be made from a given rubber, a mould as specified in shall be used, except that the dimension corresponding to the transverse axis shall be restricted to the width of the test piece.

5.2.2 When testing unvulcanized rubber or thermoplastc rubber, cut slabs of sufficient thickness to the required size for the mould (length 125 mm. width corresponding to the number of test pieces to be prepared) so as to ensure maximum pressure between the

rubber and the substrate during the test piece preparation process.

5.2.3 During test piece preparation, take great care to keep the surfaces to be bonded clean and free from dust, moisture and other foreign matter. Prepare, in the way required by the adhesive system under investigation, the surface to be bonded of strips of substrate of the dimensions specified in 5.1. Mask both ends with pessure-sensitive tape so that only the area specified in 5.1 is available for bonding. Clean the rubber surface to be bonded, using solvent or another technique as required by the adhestve system under



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