AS 1472:2003 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-30 17:57

Abstract: AS 1472:2003 pdf download.Carbon steel spring wire for mechanical springs. 3.7 Electrodeposited zinc coating A coating of zinc of at least 98% punt), applied to the wire using a specialitcd continuous electrolytic process (see Clause 3.15 a...

AS 1472:2003 pdf download.Carbon steel spring wire for mechanical springs.

3.7 Electrodeposited zinc coating

A coating of zinc of at least 98% punt), applied to the wire using a specialitcd continuous electrolytic process (see Clause 3.15

and Note to Clause 3.8).

3.8 Gahanized

Describes a protective coating obtained by dipping (immersing) prepared steel wire in a bath of molten zinc of purity not less than 98%.

NOTE: liv definition, the ternis ‘galvanized’ and, by extension. ‘galvanizing’ relate strictly to the hot-dip application of

zinc. however, zinc coatings applied by alternative processes nay also he referred to as ‘galvanized’, provided they are

distinguished at all times by a distinctive, process- specific qualifier or prefix. such as ‘electrolytic’ or ‘electro’ (but

not by cryptic abbreviations, such as e-’ or ‘el’).

3.9 Hard-drawn

Carbon steel wire cold-worked by drawing with a minimum of 40% reduction of cross- sectional area from a heat-treated (patented or similar process) base.

3.10 Oil-hardened and tempered

Carbon steel wire heat-treated in line by first transforming into austenite. quenching in oil or other suitable medium. followed by tempering at an appropriate temperature.

NOTE: Oil-hardened and tempered wire is conventionally termed ‘oil-tempered wire’ within the wire industry.

3.11 Ovality

The difference between the maximum and inininium diameters of the wire, measured at the same cross-section: also known as



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