AS 1289.4.4.1:2017 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-30 17:44

Abstract: AS 1289.4.4.1:2017 pdf download.Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Method 4.4.1:Soil chemical tests— Determination of the electrical resistivity of asoil-—Method for fine granular materials. (i) Fill the remainder of the...

AS 1289.4.4.1:2017 pdf download.Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes Method 4.4.1:Soil chemical tests— Determination of the electrical resistivity of asoil-—Method for fine granular materials.

(i) Fill the remainder of the soil box with material and lightly tamp the surface with the tamping tool.

(j) Add water to the final layer saturating the material.

NOTE: If the soil box is not completely full. further material may be added to crcatc a lcel surface. A final addition of water is required to saturate the sample expelling as much air as possible from the material.

(k) Connect the four terminals on the soil box to the appropriate terminals on the measuring instrument.

(l) Record the soil resistance I mm after connection.

(m) Weigh the soil box and material after test and record as M2 to the nearest 0.1 g.

(n) Remove all the material from the soil box and dry at 105—110°C to constant mass. Determine the mass of dry material (M’) to the nearest 0.1 g.

(o) Repeat Steps (e) to (n) for remaining sub-samples.

(p) Calculate the mean of the four resistance values obtained (R). If any value departs from the mean by more than 10%. obtain

another sub-sample and repeat the procedure.

(q) Fill the soil box with distilled water or the water used for the test, as appropriate.

(r) Connect the four terminals on the soil box to the appropriate terminals on the measuring instrument.

(s) Record the water resistance 1 mm after connectiøn.


The fillowing shall be calculated.

(a) Calculate the resistivity using the following formula.


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