AS 1271:2003 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-30 17:40

Abstract: AS 1271:2003 pdf download.Safety valves, other valves, liquid level gauges and other fittings for boilers and unfired pressure vessels. (e) Whether there are any other limiting conditions peculiar to the valve (including impregnation). (f)...

AS 1271:2003 pdf download.Safety valves, other valves, liquid level gauges and other fittings for boilers and unfired pressure


(e) Whether there are any other limiting conditions peculiar to the valve (including impregnation).

(f) The designation number (see Clause 1.6).


I Where (he size of fitting precludes the direct marking as specified above, the data may be provided on a securely affixed and

durable tag.

2 Manufacturers making a statement of compliance with this Australian Standard on a product. or on packaging or promotional

material related to that product. are advised to ensure that such compliance is capable of being verified.

2.5.5 Additional marking—safety and relief valves

In addition to the markings required by Clause 2.5.4. the following additional infbrmation shall he clearly and permanently marked on safety and relief valves:

(a) Nominal size (DN) of valve.

(b) Set pressure, in kilopascals.

(c) Manufacturer’s serial number in accordance svitli Clause 2.5.6.

(d) A warning label shall be fitted where the valve is fitted with a test gag or shipping stop. The label shall be of such material and be attached by such means to ensure the label ill remain in place and legible after exposure to conditions incident to

transport. storage and use. The label shall give instructions for the renioval of the gag or stop prior to putting the valve into


NOTE: In small relief valves with set pressures not greater than 1400 kPa and with inlet sizes not larger Lhan 10 mm in diameter

for air receivers and similar applications, the details shown on the valves may be reduced with approval of the parties concerned.


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