AS 1012.10:2000 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-30 11:52

Abstract: AS 1012.10:2000 pdf download.Methods of testing concrete Method 10: Determination of indirect tensile strength of concrete cylinders ('Brazil’or splitting test). The jig shall not constrain the specimen. the platens, or supplementary bear...

AS 1012.10:2000 pdf download.Methods of testing concrete Method 10: Determination of indirect tensile strength of concrete cylinders ('Brazil’or splitting test).

The jig shall not constrain the specimen. the platens, or supplementary bearing bars or plates. while the load is being applied.

Each hearing surface of the csting jig shall not depart from plane by more than 0.02 mm.

The bearing surfaces shall be parallel within 1 degree.

The thickness of the jig bearing plate shall be approximately 20 mm.

4.3 Supplementary bearing bar or plate

Where required, the supplementary steel hearing bar or plate shall have a width of at least 50 mm and a thickness net less than the distance from the edge of the platen to the end of the specimen; or where the upper platen is longer than the test jig, the

thickness shall be approximately 20 mm. It shall be at least as long as the specimen.

Each bearing surface of the bar or plate shall not depart from plane by more than 0.1 mm. Each bar or plate shall be used in such a manner that the load will be applied over the entire length of the specimen.

The hearing surfaces shall he parallel within I degree.

4.4 Bearing strips

Two hearing strips of tempered grade hardhoard, complying with AS 2458, shall he provided. They shall he free from defects,

nominally 5 mm thick, 25 mm wide and at least as long as the specimen. Bearing strips shall not he re-used.

4.5 Vernier calliper

A vernier calliper readable to at least 0.2 mm, and complying with the requirements of AS 1984.

4.6 Ruler

A ruler at least 400 mm long with a scale interest of 0.5 mm.


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