AS/NZS 61786.1:2021 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-30 11:11

Abstract: AS/NZS 61786.1:2021 pdf download.Measurement of DC magnetic,AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings Part 1: Requirements for measuring instruments. Sufficient information shall be prov...

AS/NZS 61786.1:2021 pdf download.Measurement of DC magnetic,AC magnetic and AC electric fields from 1 Hz to 100 kHz with regard to exposure of human beings Part 1: Requirements for measuring instruments.

Sufficient information shall be provided with the instrumentation, including instrument specifications and a clearly written

instruction manual, to enable users to determine compliance with this standard, to aid them in the proper operation of the field

meter, and to assess the usefulness of the device for the users application. The instrument specifications that shall be provided

and/or satisfied are given below.

5.2 Measurement uncertainty

The measurement uncertainty of the measuring instrument shall be specified by the manufacturer of the instrument. The measurement

uncertainty shall be determined following the ISO/IEC Guide 98-3, The uncertainty shall be specified as an extended measurement

uncertainty using a coverage factor of 2. The uncertainty is valid after available correction factors are applied. The uncertainty shall contain all components which are relevant when the instrument is used in a nearly uniform field. Such components may be

calibration uncertainty. frequency response, deviations of the gain in different measurement range settings, isotropy of the probe, internal noise sources, non-linearity, stability, temperature response and humidity response. The uncertainty of the instrument

does not include effects due to the handling of the instrument like positioning the probe in a non-uniform field or the influence

of the measuring person on the field to be measured. Such components must be taken into account as additional uncertainties in the measurement report.


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