ASME QAl-1:2005 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-29 10:37

Abstract: ASME QAl-1:2005 pdf download.Qualifications for Authorized lnspection. 1-3.1.1 A minimum of 1 year of diversified shop inspection experience in the construction of Section I or Section VIII pressure vessels, or 1 year of diversified experie...

ASME QAl-1:2005 pdf download.Qualifications for Authorized lnspection.

1-3.1.1 A minimum of 1 year of diversified shop inspection experience in the construction of Section I or Section VIII pressure

vessels, or 1 year of diversified experience as an Inspector trainee of nuclear items under the direct supervision of an Authorized Nuclear Inspector.

1-3.1.2 Demonstrated ability to perform shop and field inspections to the satisfaction of the Authorized Inspection Agency

employing the Inspector.

1-3.1.3 Experience, knowledge, and background consistent with the complexity of the assignment.

1-3.1.4 Knowledge of applicable Sections of the ASME Code and Code Cases.

1-3.1.5 Knowledge of Quality Assurance Manuals and shop and field procedures.

1-3.1.6 Knowledge and ability to evaluate and monitor shop and field procedures.

1-3.1.7 Knowledge of the requirements for maintenance and retention of in-transit and permanent records.

1-3.1.8 A passing grade on an examination in the methods of welding and nondestructive examinations for Authorized Nuclear

Inspectors, given by the National Board, covering knowledge of, and familiarity with, the ASME Code. The examination shall be

graded by the National Board and results provided to the Authorized Inspection Agencies concerned.

1-3.2 Duties

The Inspector’s duties are covered in the ASME Code and include, but are not limited to 1-3.2.1 through


1-3.2.1 He shall verify that the manufacturer or installer has the required Certificate of Authorization to construct the items

contracted for. It is necessary to check the Certificate to make certain that it has not expired and to determine the scope of

construction permitted under the terms of the Certificate.

NOTE: The fact that the manufacturer o inst.iller has the required Code Symbol Stamp is not sufficient evidence to ae.unw that he

has a valid Certificate of Aulhorizatain.


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