ASME PTB-12:2017 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-29 10:40

Abstract: ASME PTB-12:2017 pdf download.Guidelines for Addressing Data Gaps and Recordkeeping for ASME B31.4,B31.8 and B31.8S for Pipeline Integrity Management. 5.1 Document Type Review The Database Owner along with the Records Librarian should com...

ASME PTB-12:2017 pdf download.Guidelines for Addressing Data Gaps and Recordkeeping for ASME B31.4,B31.8 and B31.8S for Pipeline

Integrity Management.

5.1 Document Type Review

The Database Owner along with the Records Librarian should compile a list ot all types of source records that contain information

or data that populates the pipeline information database (e.g.. consiruclion project records that show pipe grades. wall thickness, test pressures, etc.). The Database Owner andor Records Librarian should also consult SMEs (e.g.. engineers who prepared

construction project files for audit or permanent Storage) to provide insight about the types of source records the company has used to document pipeline system infonnution. Examples of source records include construction reports and notes, final drawings.

design pressure form, mill certificates, materials testing reports, maintenance reports. and materials invoices, It is also recommended to search through construction project files from dit’ferent geographic locations, legacy companies (if acquisitions took

place). and time periods as a way to capture a s ariety of source record types. Once a complete list of source record types is

thought to be compiled. the Database Owner and Records I.ihrurian should meet with an SME to confirm the list.


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