ASME Y14.47:2019 pdf download

From:Internet 2022-09-28 18:18

Abstract: ASME Y14.47:2019 pdf download.Model Organization Practices. 3.8 Geometry State geometry state: the condition of the geometry as represented in a model. 3.9 Maturity State maturity state: the condition of the design maturity for the data set’...

ASME Y14.47:2019 pdf download.Model Organization Practices.

3.8 Geometry State

geometry state: the condition of the geometry as represented in a model.

3.9 Maturity State

maturity state: the condition of the design maturity for the data set’s intended use within the product life cycle.

3.10 ModeL-Based Definition (MBD)

model-based definition (MBD): an annotated model and its associated data elements that define the product in a manner that can be

used effectively without a drawing graphic sheet.

3.11 ModeL-Based Enterprise (M BE)

model-based enterprise (MBE): an organization that uses model-based definitions for the purpose of commission. operation, service, and decommission of a product.

3.12 ModeL Geometry

nwdelgeumetry: geometric elements in product definition data that represent an item (ASME Y14.41).

3.13 Notes

notes: textual information that further delineates the requirements of the item represented (ASME Y14.100).

3.14 OrganizationaL ELement

organizational element: a nongeometric model element selected for organization by a standardized method.

3.15 Presentation

prc.centation: the manner in which information is displayed for use by a human.

3.16 PresentatIon State

present,ation state: a retrievable collection or set of model display elements arranged for formal display to the viewer.

3.17 Representation

representation: the manner in which information is stored for interpretation by a machine.

3.18 Saved View

saved view: a stored and retrievable specific orientation and a magnification factor of a model or design model and may be a view

within a model or a view generated from the model and placed in a drawing graphic sheet (ASME Y14.3).


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