IEC 60044-3:2002 pdf free download

IEC 60044-3:2002 pdf free download.Instrument transformers -Part 3: Combined transformers. This part of IEC 60044 applies to newly manufactured combined transformers for use with electrical measuring instruments and electrical protective de...

IEC 2022-10-08 1

IEC 60044-2:1997 pdf free download

IEC 60044-2:1997 pdf free download.Instrument transformers -Part 2: lnductive voltage transformers. This part of lEG 44 applies to new inductive voltage transformers for use with electrical measuring instruments and electrical protective de...

IEC 2022-10-08 1

IEC 60034-18-32:2010 pdf free download

IEC 60034-18-32:2010 pdf free download.Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-32: Functional evaluation of insulation systems - Test procedures for form-wound windings - Evaluation by electrical endurance. This part of IEC 60034-18 describe...

IEC 2022-10-08 1

IEC 60034-18-22:2000 pdf free download

IEC 60034-18-22:2000 pdf free download.Rotating electrical machines -Part 18-22: Functional evaluation of insulation systems -Test procedures for wire-wound windings -Classification of changes and insulation component substitutions. This pa...

IEC 2022-10-08 1

IEC 60034-7:2000 pdf free download

IEC 60034-7:2000 pdf free download.Rotating electrical machines -Part 7: Classification of types of construction,mounting arrangements and terminalbox position (IM Code). 1.2.4 drive-end of a machine (D-end) that end of the machine which ac...

IEC 2022-10-08 1

IEC 60034-7:2001 pdf free download

IEC 60034-7:2001 pdf free download.Rotating electrical machines -Part 7: Classification of types of construction,mounting arrangements and terminalbox position (IM Code). This part of IEC 60034 specifies the IM Code, a classification of typ...

IEC 2022-10-08 1

IEC 60034-2-2:2010 pdf free download

IEC 60034-2-2:2010 pdf free download.Rotating electrical machines - Part 2-2: Specific methods for determining separate losses of large machinesfrom tests- Supplement to IEC 60034-2-1. 5.2 Uncertainty Uncertainty as used in this standard is...

IEC 2022-10-08 1

IEC 60027-7:2010 pdf free download

IEC 60027-7:2010 pdf free download.Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology -Part 7: Power generation, transmission, and distribution. This part of IEC 60027 is applicable to generation, transmission, and distribution of electric...

IEC 2022-10-08 1

IEC 60027-3:2002 pdf free download

IEC 60027-3:2002 pdf free download.Letter symbols to be usedin electrical technology -Part 3: Logarithmic and related quantities, and their units. This part of IEC 60027 gives general information about logarithmic and related quantities, an...

IEC 2022-10-08 1

IEC 60050-415:1999 pdf free download

IEC 60050-415:1999 pdf free download.lnternational Electrotechnical Vocabulary -Part 415: Wind turbine generator systems. It may happen that some general terms already defined in the 1EV have a special meaning for TC 88, with a definition w...

IEC 2022-10-08 1