IEC 60404-1:2000 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 11:01

Abstract: IEC 60404-1:2000 pdf free download.Magnetic materials -Part 1: Classification. Main applications The materials are used for large d.c. magnets where no mechanical strength is required, for example deflection magnets in elementary pa...

IEC 60404-1:2000 pdf free download.Magnetic materials -Part 1: Classification. Main applications

The materials are used for large d.c. magnets where no mechanical strength is required, for example deflection magnets in

elementary particle physics and for relay applications.

2.2.2 Class B.2 — Flat material General

These materials are covered by IEC 60404-8-3. IEC 60404-8-4 and IEC 60404-8-10. Chemical composition

The basic constituent of these materials is iron containing unavoidable impurities, together with a low level of other elements

which may arise from additions necessitated during the manufacturing process. The amount of alloying elements Is limited to that of non-alloy steel as defined in ISO 4948-1, in particular silicon is less than 0,5 %. These materials can have an annealing treatment after punching to enhance their magnetic properties. Basis of subclassificatlon

The recommended subclassification is based either on the specific total loss which is a function of thickness and is normally

measured at a magnetic polarization value of 1,5 T and at normal industrial power frequencies or (for relay application) on the



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