IEC 60319:1999 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-08 18:22

Abstract: IEC 60319:1999 pdf free download.Presentation and specification of reliability data for electronic components. The following or similar data should be Supplied by the component manufacturer or requested by the component user: component iden...

IEC 60319:1999 pdf free download.Presentation and specification of reliability data for electronic components.

The following or similar data should be Supplied by the component manufacturer or requested by the component user: component

identify,cahon, component technology, electrical specification environmental specification methods for selection of sample

components, test related issues, data on failures.

4.2 IdentIfication of components tested

4.2.1 General

The information supplied to identify the components should be in accordance with the relevant IEC publication for the component

type under test whenever possible, It IEC publications are not available, then other component specifications should be used and

the source of the specifications stated. As a minimum, the following Information Should be given. Only nfoi’matpon applicable to a particular component type should be supplied.


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