IEC 60300-3-5:2001 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 10:58

Abstract: IEC 60300-3-5:2001 pdf free download.Dependability management -Part 3-5: Application guide - Reliability test conditions and statistical test principles. 3.1.18 low degree of simulation test conditions where the varying environmental and op...

IEC 60300-3-5:2001 pdf free download.Dependability management -Part 3-5: Application guide - Reliability test conditions and

statistical test principles.


low degree of simulation

test conditions where the varying environmental and operating stresses are as close as possible to those encountered in one defined environment and one operating scenario

NOTE The environment and load pattern may be chosen as an average or worst case. Since it is intended to define reproducible and

simple operating conditions and not simulate the wide range of actual operating conditions on the field, the testing conditions may be simplified. For example, only the most significant parameters may be represented by the test conditions.


misuse failure

failure due to the application of stresses during use which exceed the stated capabilities of the item

(1EV 191-04-04)


no fault found

reported failure of an item which cannot be replicated or explained based on the conditions of the item

NOTE This may still be a relevant failure.

3.1.2 1

non-repaired item

item which is not repaired after failure

[1EV 191-01-03]


operating time

time interval during which an item is in an operating state

(1EV 191 0901)


production test

test with the purpose of estimating, verifying or comparing dependability measures for items of one or more production lots

NOTE The purpose of a production test is often to investigate the influence of the manufacturing and assembly ptocesses on the

dependability measures of Ihe items (robustness to variations in raw materials, components and processes).


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