IEC 60068-2-18:2000 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 10:52

Abstract: IEC 60068-2-18:2000 pdf free download.Environmental testing -Part 2-18: Tests - Test Rand guidance: Water. - Support of the test specimen The support shall have a base area which Is smaller than the base area of the specimen. The support sh...

IEC 60068-2-18:2000 pdf free download.Environmental testing -Part 2-18: Tests - Test Rand guidance: Water.

- Support of the test specimen

The support shall have a base area which Is smaller than the base area of the specimen. The support shall be either a turntable

which has a rotation speed of 1 r/mln and the ecceniricity (distance between turntable axis and specimen axis) Is approximately 100 mm. or a table which does not turn. The support shall be able to hold the specimen in any test posilion and. it necessary, be

tilted to a maximum of 9O from the vertical plane.

— Water supply with controls

The water used for the test shall be fresh tap water of good quality. In order to avoid clogging of the nozzles, the water shall be filtered and may be demineralized, Details of the characteristics of the water are given in annex A. During tile test, the water

temperature shall not duller by more than 5 K from the temperature of the specimen under test. If the water temperature is more

than S K below the temperature of the specimen, a pressure balance shall be provided for the specimen.

The seventies, as indicated by intensity (and associated drop-size distribution), duration and tilt angle of specimen shall be

prescribed in the relevant specification. The values shall be selected from those given below. Wind-driven rain is not simulated by this test as the wind velocity is not a parameter of test


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