IEC 60034-7:2001 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-08 10:42

Abstract: IEC 60034-7:2001 pdf free download.Rotating electrical machines -Part 7: Classification of types of construction,mounting arrangements and terminalbox position (IM Code). This part of IEC 60034 specifies the IM Code, a classification of typ...

IEC 60034-7:2001 pdf free download.Rotating electrical machines -Part 7: Classification of types of construction,mounting

arrangements and terminalbox position (IM Code).

This part of IEC 60034 specifies the IM Code, a classification of types of construction, mounting arrangements and the terminal box position of rotating electrical machines.

Two systems of classification are provided as follows:

— Code I (see section 2): An alpha-numeric designation applicable to machines with end- shield bearing(s) and only one shaft


— Code II (see section 3): An all-numeric designation applicable to a wider range of types of machines including types covered by Code I.

The type of machine not covered by Code II should be fully described in words.

The relationship between Code I and Code Ills given in annex A.

1.2 Definitions

For the purposes of this part of IEC 60034, the following definitions apply:


type of construction

the arrangement of machine components with regard to fixings. bearing arrangement and shaft extension.


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