IEC 60034-18-22:2000 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-08 10:46

Abstract: IEC 60034-18-22:2000 pdf free download.Rotating electrical machines -Part 18-22: Functional evaluation of insulation systems -Test procedures for wire-wound windings -Classification of changes and insulation component substitutions. This pa...

IEC 60034-18-22:2000 pdf free download.Rotating electrical machines -Part 18-22: Functional evaluation of insulation systems -Test procedures for wire-wound windings -Classification of changes and insulation component substitutions.

This part of IEC 60034 gives test procedures for the thermal evaluation and classification of changes and insulation component

substitution in insulation systems used or proposed for use in a proven Insulation system used In wire-wound windings. The test

procedures are comparative in that the performance of a candidate system is compared to that of a reference system which has

previously been proved by experience or has been evaluated by one of the procedures given in 60034-18-21 and to which the change or substitution is intended.


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