IEC 61505:1998 pdf free download

From:Internet 2022-10-07 17:54

Abstract: IEC 61505:1998 pdf free download.Nuclear reactor instrumentation -Boiling water reactors (BWR)-Stability monitoring. a) preventing power oscillations; b) detecting and automatically suppressing power oscillations. Monitoring of the reactor...

IEC 61505:1998 pdf free download.Nuclear reactor instrumentation -Boiling water reactors (BWR)-Stability monitoring.

a) preventing power oscillations;

b) detecting and automatically suppressing power oscillations.

Monitoring of the reactor stability state, which is the object of this standard, can support a) and b) by providing information on plant stability characteristics. Monitoring will detect the approach to, and occurrence of, oscillations.

The purpose of this standard is to

— describe appropriate plant parameters for use in stability monitoring;

— define analysis methods for relating time-varying plant information to reactor stability figures of merit, such as the decay


— provide technical guidelines regarding stability monitoring functional and performance requirements.

The following items are not covered by this standard:

a) control system instability;

b) recommendations for implementing a particular solution or a combination of solutions:

c) requirements for analytical methods associated with each method;

d) requirements for manual operator and automatic actions necessary to suppress power oscillations or reduce decay ratios:

e) general safety significance of reactor instability.


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