Abstract: IEC 61502:1999 pdf free download.Nuclear power plants - Pressurized water reactors - Vibration monitoring of internal structures. 2.2 core barrel clamping system hold-down spring (see figure 1) or any oilier structure (e.g. springs) compres...
IEC 61502:1999 pdf free download.Nuclear power plants - Pressurized water reactors - Vibration monitoring of internal
core barrel clamping system
hold-down spring (see figure 1) or any oilier structure (e.g. springs) compressed between upper and lower internals
thermal shield
metallic structure mounted around the core barrel, attached to it by clamps, intended to limit embrittlement of the pressure vessel steel under radiation (see figure 1). Not all reactors are fitted with this type of structure
ex-core neutron detector
ionization sensor situated outside me vessel (on a level with the core), measuring the neutron flux in order to monitor reactor
power (see figures 1 and 2)
neutron noise
fluctuations in the neutron flux caused by variations in emission at the neutron source, or by variations in the transport of
neutrons towards the outside of the vessel. Ex-core neutron noise corresponds to the fluctuations in the signal emitted by an
ex-core neutron detector and is proportional to the signal of fluctuations in the flux reaching the detector.